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How to Register Git Credential Key in Sourcetree

by 자몬다 2023. 5. 24.

Since some time ago, RSA SSH keys are no longer supported by GitHub. Therefore, if you encounter errors while using Git, follow the steps below:

1. Open Sourcetree and go to Tools > Generate or Import SSH Key.

2. Select ECDSA at the bottom.
3. Click Generate and save the public/private key.
4. In Sourcetree, go to Tools > Options > General and change the SSH key to the private key you generated.
Now, go to the GitHub settings page to register the key. When registering, use the following format:

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 [copied public key]

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 [copied public key]
After registering the key, restart Sourcetree. You should now be able to use Git without any issues.
